LESS0N The circulatory, digestive, nervous and respiratory systems
1. To develop healthy habits to do with nutrition, the sense organs, hygiene and care of the body, highlighting the importance of sport for personal and social wellbeing.
2. To relate the circulatory, digestive, nervous and respiratory in humans to the function they perform, showing an attitude of acceptance of their own body and respecting different types of disability.
Methodological Skills: Pupils will be able to...
1. To use different reference sources (encyclopaedias, magazines, ICTs) to build knowledge on health (1 Linguistic communication competence, 3 Knowledge and interaction with the physical environment, 4 Processing of information and digital competence).
2. To take part in different kinds of activity to do with the area, showing active willingness to co-operate, to solve conflicts and to help fellow pupils. ( 3 Knowledge and interaction with the physical environment, 5 Social and citizen competence, 7 Learning to learn).
3. To be autonomous and employ healthy habits in looking after themselves (food, physical exercise, rest, etc.), in their relationships with other people and in their interaction with the medium they live in. ( 3 Knowledge and interaction with the physical environment, 5 Social and citizen competence, 7 Learning to learn, 8 Autonomy and personal initiative)
What learners will be able to do, to know or be aware of at the end of the lesson: COGNITION
English: Receptiveness to Language:
• Express and communicate reactions to what they have read.
• Write for a particular audience in mind.
• Competence and Confidence in using language
• Write about a specific topic for a sustained length of time.
• Compile a doctor's manual.
• Take part in co-operative writing activitie: project.
• Develop skills in the use of Information Technology.
Developing Cognitive Abilities through Language:
• Discuss different possible solutions to problems
• Discuss what they know of a particular topic or process as a base for encountering new concepts.
• Listen to a presentation by other groups and give their opinions.
• Use comprehension skills such as analysing, confirming, evaluating, synthesizing and problem solving.
• Support arguments and opinions with evidence from the text.
• Develop skills such as skimming, scanning, note-taking and summarising
Social, personal and health education (SPHE): Myself and my body:
• Learn more about myself and my body.
• Recognise and learn about the various types of bodily diseases.
• Build self- confidence and the ability to speak as a group before an audience.
Develop the ability to work as part of a team.
Food and Nutrition:
• Concept of balanced diet.
• Food value of different groups
Art: Design and make:
• Be able to design and create a papier maché model of a particular body organ.
• Draw various diagrams to aid in their presentation.
Science: Living Things- Human Life:
• Compare and contrast animal life forms, to become aware of a range of similarities and differences between themselves.
• Understand the functions of some major body systems.
• Research body systems using the links provided.
• Make use of scientific skills: (observing, asking questions, predicting, hypothesizing investigating, interpreting results and recording and communicating results).
• Recording and interpreting data. Matching
Hypothesising / Imagining
Applying evaluation criteria.
Pupils will be able to…
Realise that different Countries have different habits related to health.
Know the importance of having a good the health system in our society.
Children will have the opportunity to work co-operatively and collaboratively within a team.
Locate necessary information on the internet to complete their mission.
Take on responsibilities and be actively involved at all times.
Have opportunities to enrich their knowledge of their own bodies and other animal forms.
Take on roles so that all areas of the project is given equal attention and is completed.
Present information confidently in a logical manner.
A chance to express their own feelings and opinions in relation to the work they have completed.
Use their creativity in designing and completing models and diagrams.
Carry out simple investigations and record their findings.
The circulatory system. Organs and functions.
The digestive system. Organs and functions.
The nervous system. Organs and functions.
The respiratory system: Organs and functions.
Good health and illness.
Healthy habits.
Prevention and detection of health risks.
Classification of foods depending on whether they are from an animal, vegetable or mineral source.
Classification of foods according to the kind of nutrients.
Classification of foods using their own criteria.
Being autonomous and assuming small responsibilities concerning food and eating.
Location of the organs belonging to the digestive, respiratory, circulatory and nervous systems in prints, drawings, or three-dimensional materials.
Practising healthy habits which increase breathing capacity (the need for physical exercise)
Differentiation between inspiration and expiration movements.
Interest for learning the importance of having a healthy and balanced diet.
Progressive development of autonomy in undertaking small tasks related to food.
Appreciation of the importance of a complete, varied and balanced diet and the effect this has on their state of health.
Appreciation of healthy habits as regards respiration.
Appreciation of the need for physical exercise and sleep.
Acceptance of their own body.
Photograph / picture / photo, Daddy, Mummy, brother, moustache, tummy, pyramid, inside, intelligent, senses, life processes: nutrition, sensitivity, reproduction substances, changes, blood, bones, male, female, body systems: digestive, respiratory, circulatory, nervous, locomotor, reproductive, organs: lungs, heart, kidneys, stomach, brain, head, trunk, limbs, height, weight, teens, elderly, differences, slowly, strong, experiences, stages: childhood, adolescence, youth, adulthood, old age, project, average, height, measure, results, centimetre (cm)
Carry out functions, communicate, mime, look like, reason, take air, release gases, breathe, react
Language for Learning
Imperative: affirmative; Gerund; Present simple: Be; stop + gerund, learn to + inf; Can / can’t; Will,
• Describing processes.
• Describing abilities.
• Expressing facts.
1. To analyse the most representative elements, general texts and texts specifically dealing with the contents of the area (social, technical, historical, narrative and artistic texts)and to summarise them in a clear and orderly way.
2. To orally express contents relating to the area in a clear and orderly manner, which show the comprehension of oral and written texts of a general nature.
3. To differentiate between the concepts of food and nutrient and feeding and nutrition, giving examples of each one.
4. To name the systems that are involved in the human being’s nutrition function and explaining the function they perform.
5. To locate the organs belonging to the circulatory, digestive, respiratory, and nervous systems on prints, drawings, or three-dimensional materials.
6. To practise suitable feeding, hygiene, physical exercise and sleep habits for their age, identifying some bodily manifestations as possible symptoms of illness.
If assessment is a flexible process, the procedures employed will have to be varied. In order to collect data we will have to employ different assessment procedures:
* Observation of behaviour
* Interviews
* Tests configured as a synthesis of the most significant contents worked on in the teaching-learning process.
* Oral and written questionnaires.
The registry instruments available to the teacher or team may include assessment scales (for contents of an attitudinal or procedural nature) and control lists (for outcomes and contents linked to the command or mastery of concepts) and rubrics.
What is a Rubric?
Heidi Goodrich, a rubrics expert, defines a rubric as "a scoring tool that lists the criteria for a piece of work or 'what counts.'" So a rubric for a multimedia project will list the things the student must have included to receive a certain score or rating. Rubrics help the student figure out how their project will be evaluated. Goodrich quotes a student who said he didn't much care for rubrics because "if you get something wrong, your teacher can prove you knew what you were supposed to do."
Generally rubrics specify the level of performance expected for several levels of quality. These levels of quality may be written as different ratings (e.g., Excellent, Good, Needs Improvement) or as numerical scores (e.g., 4, 3, 2, 1) which are then added up to form a total score which then is associated with a grade (e.g., A, B, C, etc).
Many rubrics also specify the level of assistance (e.g., Independently, With Minimal Adult Help; With Extensive Adult Help) for each quality rating.
Rubrics can help students and teachers define "quality". Rubrics can also help students judge and revise their own work before handing in their assignments.
Pre-school http://clil.wordpress.com/infantil-ing/
Author: Mairéad Ní Chonghaile http://www.teachnet.ie/resources
Hey kids! Have you heard about Dr Hhhht? an unfortunate clumsy soul who accidentally walked into revolving doors while taking a patient into surgery? As a result he is suffering from memory loss, and really needs your help. He needs to regain his memory on how the body works in order to save this patient's life. You and your team-mates are on a mission to locate as much information as possible so that Dr Hibert will be able to fulfill his duties once again!!
*The best of luck on your mission*
For you to help Dr Hibert and complete your mission you will be divided into groups of four. Each group will be given a specific body system
(a) The Circulatory System,
(b) The Digestive System,
(c) The Nervous System,
(d) The Respiratory System.
While working with others you will do all that is in your power to help jog Dr Hhhh's memory, as you are locating information through travelling along the Internet Highway that will provide enough knowledge to accomplish this goal.
Now, it's time to get started on this project. In order for this mission to be a success you must complete the following section as best you can.
Let's get cracking, don't keep the patient waiting!!!
*The Best Of Luck Everybody*
Your mission:
1. Make a list of all the information you already have on the Circulatory System.
2. List some questions you would like answered on this topic at the end of your project.
3. Why is this system important?
4. As an enquiry one member of the group has to monitor their pulse rate three times a day (on arriving in school, after lunch and just before going home) and record exactly what they were doing prior to taking the pulse on a line graph.
5. How often does the heart beat in an average lifetime?
6. Outline the functions of the four main chambers of the heart.
7. Why is blood also given the name "the fluid of life"?
8. What needs to be working for the Circulatory System to work Properly? (hint: 3 things)
9. What is the difference between red and white blood cells?
10. What is plasma, and why is it crucial for human existence?
11. What are platelets?
12. List and explain the three healthy ways to keep your heart healthy.
13. Can you think of any other ways of having a healthier heart?
14. Summarise your main findings on the Circulatory System
15. Draw a diagram of the various organs of the Circulatory System to help you create your own papier maché of the main organ of the Circulatory System.
16. List interesting facts you discovered about this system.
Now, it's time to get started on this project. In order for this mission to be a success you must complete the following section as best you can.
Let's get cracking, don't keep the patient waiting!!!
*The Best Of Luck Everybody*
Your mission:
1. Make a list of all the information you already have on the Digestive System.
2. List some questions you would like answered on this topic at the end of your project.
3. Why is digestion important?
4. How long does it take to digest food?
5. Why is the tongue of great importance in the digestive process?
6. Describe the journey of the food once it enters the mouth.
7. What are the functions of the following organs in the Digestive System: the mouth, oesophagus, stomach, liver, small intestine, large intestine and the rectum?
8. How does food move through the digestive system?
9. What causes our stomach to growl?
10. Explain what the following are and what may cause them: (a) indigestion (b) diarrhoea.
11. Name the four food groups and give examples of each.
12. How many servings of each food group should we eat daily?
13. Draw a diagram of the various organs of the Digestive System to help you create your own papier maché of the organ you found most interesting in the digestive system.
14. List some interesting facts you discovered about this system.
http://hes.ucf.k12.pa.us/gclaypo/digestive_system.html#So what does the large intestin
Now, it's time to get started on this project. In order for this mission to be a success you must complete the following section as best you can.
Let's get cracking, don't keep the patient waiting!!!
*The Best Of Luck Everybody*
Your mission:
1. Make a list of all the information you already have on the Nervous System.
2. List some questions you would like answered on this topic at the end of your project.
3. Why is Nervous system considered the master control unit inside your body?
4. What is a neuron?
5. Every animal you can think of e.g. mammals, all have brains but the human brain is unique. Why?
6. "The larger the animal, the larger the brain". This does not mean that the animal with the largest brain is the smartest. Why?
7. What are the sense organs and what functions do they serve?
8. What is the function of the brain, nerves and the spinal cord?
9. What does the blood supply to the brain?
10. To protect and maintain a healthy brain list and give reasons for the ten guidelines given on the website: http://faculty.washington.edu/chudler/brainfit.html . Can you think of any more?
11. Describe in detail: (a) epilepsy (b) meningitis.
12. Complete the following activities http://faculty.washington.edu/chudler/chreflex.html , "Pupil to pupil", "Jump to it", "Knee jerk reflex" and record your findings.
13. Draw a diagram of the various organs of the Nervous System to help you create your own papier maché of the organ you found most interesting in the digestive system.
14. List some interesting facts you discovered about this system.
Now, it's time to get started on this project. In order for this mission to be a success you must complete the following section as best you can.
Let's get cracking, don't keep the patient waiting!!!
*The Best Of Luck Everybody*
Your mission:
1. Make a list of all the information you already have on the Respiratory System.
2. List some questions you would like answered on this topic at the end of your project.
3. What is respiration and what is its value?
4. What is the Diaphragm? Where is it located? What happens to it as we breathe in and out?
5. Answer the following questions using this website: http://www.phila.gov/fitandfun/news/3_27_01/3_27_01.html About how many breaths do we breathe a day? About how many breaths per year? According to this site, how should we breathe correctly?
6. What gases are involved in the respiration process and how are they exchanged in the body?
7. Outline briefly the role of the following in the respiration process: (a) nose (b) throat (c) windpipe (d) bronchial tree (e) lungs.
8. Compare and contrast how we breath in relation to the following:
(a) plants (b) fish (c) birds (d) mammals.
9. Why is smoking bad for our health and how does it affect our lungs?
10. Summarise the following diseases of the respiratory system: (1) asthma (2) tuberculosis (3) emphysema.
11. What are hiccups? What makes us keep hiccuping? How can we stop the hiccups?
12. What is the primary gas that blood gets rid of?
13. Draw a diagram of the various organs of the Respiratory System to help you create your own papier maché of the organ you found most interesting in this system.
14. From the information you have learned so far on this system, do you know what part of the body serves to support and protect your lungs?
15. List some interesting facts you discovered about this system.
1. Divide into groups of four.
2. You will be working with your partners to collect information and create a doctor's manual.
3. Each group will be working on a different body system and once all the contributions have been made, you will present your manual to Dr Hhhh as a group presentation, in class.
4. Work together to record important facts and make diagrams of the systems you are studying in order to re-jog Dr. Hibert's memory as best you can.
Remember everybody, that when you start working on a new project, sometimes we may need a helping hand. So don't forget to work as a team and help those who may be having some difficulty.
World Book Encyclopedia on CD Rom.
Encarta Encyclopedia on CD Rom.
Inside the Body, Anita Ganeri, New York: Dorling Kindersley, 1996.
Hey Chaps! Well thanks a million everybody all the great work that that you have engaged in, in the past few weeks. You are almost an expert at this stage. Using your presentation of the manual you have succeeded in helping me regain my memory. This allowed me to proceed with my duties in the operating theatre, without upsetting my schedule. The patient sends her regards and is grateful for your contribution.
You should all be very proud of yourselves!!
*You were fantastic*
Isn't the body so interesting? Now we know just how important our body is and the need to take good care of it.
Well Done,
If I am clumsy again I know who to call.
The best of luck in the future,
Dr Hhhh.
Now kids, you need to keep the following points in mind as you are working to accomplish your mission, to help Dr Hhhh as best you can!!
Your work will be graded by the teacher on the following points:
1. How well you worked as a team in gathering information from the Internet links. Content:
(a) Content related to tasks.
(b) Content included necessary information.
(c) Showed understanding of purpose of project.
(d) Does the content give readers an understanding of the topic.
2. How well you worked as a group in presenting all your work in the doctor's manual (final presentation) Teamwork:
(a) Worked as a team member.
(b) Helped others.
(c) Maintained positive attitude.
(d) Shared responsibilities of roles.
3. Looking at your final product Presentation:
(a) Is your work neat and in order.
(b) Are your diagrams and models clear and easy to understand.
(c) Have you given equal attention to all questions.
(d) Did you relate to the information to the best of your ability.
(e) Showed evidence of effort, creativity and enthuasiam.
As you can see you will be graded on your own work and how well you work with your teammates.
You will be marked according to four different categories outlined in the "Scoring Rubric".
Excellent Good Fair Poor
Thorough description of how the body system functions. Good description of how the body system functions. Partial description of how the body system functions. Unclear description of how the body system functions.
At least 10 specific interesting facts about the body system. At least 8 specific interesting facts about the body system. Less than 6 interesting facts about the body system. Less than 4 interesting facts about the body system.
All group members participate in the final presentation. All group members participate in the final presentation. Not all group members participate in the final presentation. One member from group participates in the final presentation.
Presentation of doctor's manual containing clear introduction to the system, how the system works and conclusion. Presentation of doctor's manual containing a good introduction to the system, how the system works and conclusion. Presentation of doctor's manual containing an introduction to the system, and information on the system. Presentation of doctor's manual not clearly put together, with lack of information asked.
Correct punctuation, complete sentences, grammar and spelling accurate. Mostly correct punctuation, complete sentences, grammar and spelling for the majority accurate. Containing numerous spelling mistakes, lack of grammar knowledge. Lacking in some sentence structures. Emphasis not placed on punctuation, too many spelling and grammar mistakes visible. Untidy presentation.
A clearly planned and completed papier maché model showing groups creativity. A planned and completed papier maché model. Papier maché model completed but showed a lack of planning. Shows no planning of the model and model is uncompleted.
Presentation well prepared from beginning to end. Presentation well prepared from beginning to end. Presentation showed evidence of some preparation. Demonstrated little understanding of presented material.
Works well with others and assumes responsibilities. motivates others to do their best, and co-operated with one another. Works well with others and assumes responsibilities. Shows some motivation and co-operation. Works fairly well with others most of the time. Lack of co-operation. Does not work well with others and prefers to work alone. no sharing of responsibilities, showed no motivation to co-operate with others.
Communicates ideas with enthusiasm, proper voice projection, appropriate language projection and clear delivery. Communicates ideas with proper voice projection, adequate preparation and some enthusiasm. Some difficulty in communicating ideas, due to lack of preparation or incomplete work. Great difficulty in communicating ideas due to lack of knowledge of the material as preparation wasn't satisfactory.
The Life Pump
Science Factfile
o Red blood cells carry oxygen from the lungs to all the cells of the body.
o White blood cells are like soldiers protecting the body.
o ARTERIES are vessels that carry blood away from the heart.
o VEINS are vessels that carry blood back to the heart.
o Blood CIRCULATES--circles--all around your body in about one or two minutes.
o Inside the heart are four hollow chambers. Each chamber is a little pump. The pumping pushes blood all around your body.
The Food Factory
Science Factfile
o When you eat, your body digests the food so your cells can use it to make energy.
o Acids and enzymes eat away at the surface of food to break it down.
o The small intestine is where food is broken down into molecules tiny enough for the body cells to use.
o In the villi are tiny tubes that carry blood called VESSELS. Food molecules are taken into these blood vessels. Once the food is in the blood, it can travel all over the body.
The Control Center
Science Factfile
o The human brain is growing! In 1860 the average weight of a male brain was 3 lbs. Now a man?s brain weighs an average of 3 1/8 lbs.
o There are around 30,000 million nerve cells in the body.
o A nerve cell can transmit 1,000 nerve impulses each second.
The Air Bags
Science Factfile
o BREATH IN -- your body gets oxygen from the air. Rib muscles contract to pull ribs up and out. The DIAPHRAGM muscle contracts to pull down the lungs. Tissue expands to suck in air.
o BREATH OUT -- you get rid of other gases that your body does not need. Rib muscles relax. The Diaphragm muscle relaxes. Tissue returns to resting position and forces air out.
Picture Dictionary. Richmond Publising. Santillana, 1995, 1997
To nurse
To be sick
To examine
To cough
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